Artist Profiles

Wayne Watson

// singer-songwriter

WAYNE WATSON is a Christian singer-songwriter from Houston, Texas, United States. “Watercolour Ponies” (1987), “The Fine Line” (1988), “Home Free” (1990), “The Early Works” (1991), “How Time Flies” (1992), “Signature Songs” (1993), “A Beautiful Place” (1993), “One Christmas Eve” (1994), “Field Of Souls” (1995), “The Very Best” (1995), “The Way Home” (1998), “Wayne Watson (Self-Titled)” (2000), “Living Room” (2002), “King Of Kings” (2007), and “Even This” (2007) are all available from Wayne Watson.

Photo: Wayne Watson /


I remember doing a promotional video for a CD series several years ago. The package was made up of songs on different themes from worship, relationships, and social issues, from lots of different Christian artists. I was thankful that a few of my songs made the list. I was sitting in the studio being asked questions and the answers were being filmed for use in the advertising of the series. The interviewer was asking “Why does this music have such power?” and “How does your music change people’s lives?” I was quietly puzzled at these questions. Really, I don’t mean to cause trouble, but I know I frustrated the interviewer with my answers. I told her that the music itself was not powerful and the music did not change anybody. God does that. Music can be powerful and I don’t want to argue semantics here, but apart from the power of the Spirit of God, this is just music, notes, and words. Don’t get me wrong, I love music, all kinds, but I’ve always held that when we sing or play songs that are specifically directed to the ears of the Father, it’s just different. Music is an intimate expression of the spiritual-self, out of passion from the created soul to the Creator Himself; the Maker and Giver of it all. Music is a cry of the heart when a spoken word falls short, a response to the call to praise Him.

“Music is an intimate expression of the spiritual-self, out of passion from the created soul to the Creator Himself; the Maker and Giver of it all.”
– Wayne Watson, singer-songwriter

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