Artist Profiles


// René Kögel, guitarist and vocalist

PURGATORY are a death-metal band from Nossen, Germany. “Psychopathia Sexualis [EP]” (1994), “Sadistic Spell” (1995), “Damage Done By Worms” (1996), “Bestial” (1997), and “Blessed With Flames Of Hate” (2000) are all available from Perverted Taste, “Luciferianism” (2004), and “Cultus Luciferi: The Splendour Of Chaos” (2008) are both available from Animate Records.

Photo: Purgatory /


Extremity means strength. One of the most powerful forces in life is the will to break walls and explore the darkness behind uncrossed borders. One can find this will in one of the most extreme music styles ever: Death Metal. Music, especially Death Metal in its purest form, is one of the strongest forms of expression; a way to express feelings in a very aggressive way. Conformity is poison, extremity means difference. Any art that is unlike the others is unbound. It is free from the rusted chains of poisoned ideologies, religious beliefs, and their so-called humane ambitions. Death Metal’s rough purity is just as fascinating as the intensive black atmosphere it creates. Self-realization in the depths of music can be equated to finding its own strength, and the consolidation of its ideological values. This essence of music is spiritually significant: the will, the nonpareil, the art of resistance that grants strength and of course creativity.

“Music is spiritually significant: the will, the nonpareil, the art of resistance that grants strength and of course creativity.”
– René Kögel, guitarist and vocalist in Purgatory

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