Artist Profiles

Purbayan Chatterjee

// sitarist

PURBAYAN CHATTERJEE is a world-renowned sitar player from Calcutta, India. “Vibemaster” (2002), “New Dawn Mind” (2003), “Nirman” (2005), “Samwad” (2005), “Rasayana” (2005), “Talaash” (2006), and “New Horizons” (2006) are all available from Sense World Music.

Photo: Shambhu Hazra /


It has become somewhat of a cliché to speak of music as a spiritual pursuit. I believe that any activity in this world pursued with purity of mind and absolute involvement has spiritual connotations. The great thing about music is that it automatically concentrates your mind and soul. Whereas in many other forms of activity the human mind is often left thinking about other things which distract the mind from its soul searching process, music automatically focuses the mind in such a way that all other thoughts are purged and the musician or even listener automatically looks inward. I think this quite simply is the spiritual significance of music.

“Music automatically focuses the mind in such a way that all other thoughts are purged and the musician or even listener automatically looks inward.”
– Purbayan Chatterjee, sitarist

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