Artist Profiles

Cry Holy

// Mike Maxwell, drummer

CRY HOLY are a Christian rock band from Seattle, Washington. “Ten From Two” (2001) is available from Aorheaven, and “Alienation” (2005) is available from Now And Then Records.

Photo: Mike Maxwell


When I think of the spiritual significance of music, the first thought that comes to mind is what kind of feelings music invokes in a listener. All types of music can make a listener feel different things and immediately put them in a “frame of mind”. The remarkable thing about this is it’s not limited to one particular genre of music. Worship music such as “Amazing Grace” can immediately capture me, but so does Blue Oyster Cult’s “Don’t Fear The Reaper”. Bob Seger’s “Night Moves” is as powerful to me as “The Lord Of The Rings” soundtrack. I think these feelings explored deeper can lead to what’s spiritually significant to the listener, whether the “spirit” end of things lead to God or not. For example, Black or Death Metal certainly can put a listener in a “frame of mind” which is certainly not of God, but significant to that listener nonetheless. Whether it’s the angst, pain, or rebellion that a person identifies with, they are connecting with feelings inside themselves. Just like on the opposite end of the spectrum, a congregation at church are connecting with worship music. Although Christians certainly don’t have a monopoly on the spiritual side of music. I think lyrics play an important role in the spiritual significance of music as well. I think secular artists and songs as well can get a good moral message across. I’m thinking of Don Henley’s song “The Heart Of The Matter”. A great song and message, and something to be learned from a secular artist. U2’s music may make you want to act on social issues like poverty or hunger. Sweet’s “Little Willy” may just make you want to get up and dance. Sesame Street songs may make a child want to act silly, while “It Had To Be You” may make an old couple reminisce. The best part of music in my opinion, is that you can enjoy it as a listener and you can let it inspire you to learn how to play an instrument to make music of your own. So the spiritual significance of music is multi-faceted. It can teach, call you to action, make you get up and dance, make you feel good, it can lead you to identify with negative feelings, and it can heal. The spiritual significance of music is all these things. It’s all in the ear of the beholder!

“The spiritual significance of music is multi-faceted. It can teach, call you to action, make you get up and dance, make you feel good, it can lead you to identify with negative feelings, and it can heal.”
– Mike Maxwell, drummer in Cry Holy

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