Artist Profiles

Ann Licater

// world flutist

ANN LICATER is an international recording artist, Flute for the Soul workshop facilitator, and world flutist from the San Francisco Bay area. Her debut album “Following The Call” (2007) was nominated for Best Native American Album and Top Twelve Best Contemporary Instrumental Album at the New Age Reporter Lifestyle Music Awards 2007, and her latest album “Doorway To A Dream” (2010) is available from Cul de Sac Mystic Productions. Ann’s music can be heard on National Public Radio stations in the United States, on “Hearts Of Space”, and on cable and radio stations worldwide. During her live concerts and workshops, booked through her Cul de Sac Mystic Productions, Ann performs on a dozen or more hand-crafted, indigenous Native American and world flutes made of wood and clay. She holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota and a Master of Liberal Arts degree in Creation Spirituality from Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado. Ann’s music is available for purchase at New Age music and book retailers, as well as online at,, and

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Photo: Greg Crowder /


I believe music is an expression of the divine through the soul of the musical artist. It is a holy gift that emerges from another realm and connects us to each other and to all of Creation. When we are moved by music we meet the magnificent Universe. I believe it is the musician’s role to anchor this unseen presence with a balance of technical proficiency and mindful letting go. This dualism of doing while allowing is what marks extraordinary musicians and creates inspiring music that moves an audience to experience awe and wonder.

To me, this is spiritual channeling and where I as an artist aspire to go with all my musical creations. It is also why improvisation is so exciting to play and witness—it is pure spirit being born into the moment through divine patterns, numeric sequences, and sacred surprises. This happens all in the Now—a timeless place where joy and love live. The ancient yet, familiar sounds of Native American and indigenous world flutes can immediately transport the listener to this other dimension. Music is a taste of the infinite cosmos and a whisper of the ever evolving Universe. Ultimately, it awakens our connection to each other and to the divine.

“Music is a taste of the infinite cosmos and a whisper of the ever evolving Universe. Ultimately, it awakens our connection to each other and to the divine.”
– Ann Licater, world flutist

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