Artist Profiles

Uri Gurvich

// composer & saxophonist

URI GURVICH is a composer and saxophonist living in New York City. His debut album “The Storyteller” (2009) is available from Tzadik Records. Uri Gurvich’s progressive-jazz is a cross-cultural expression of Eastern European, Israeli, North African, and Yemenite music. He has toured the United States, Europe and Japan, where he performed in such places as Vien Jazz Festival, Copenhagen Jazz Festival, The Red Sea Jazz Festival and many music festivals worldwide.

Photo: Scott Irvine


Music, in different parts of the world is used as a practice to reach spirituality, and as a way to express feelings and realities. It can cultivate the human need to look for things beyond our normal capacity of perceiving life. The main significance of music is that it can create a state of mind, in which we can relate more to our true self. It is one of the most humble ways to connect between each other, as it can overcome superficial beliefs and agendas, and create a more selfless reality. Musicians engage in a life-long journey to find a sound which will act as a window to their soul. In that search, a musician will try to deepen their understanding of life, and find a clear way to portray it to the listener. A listener will take part in that journey, and will share that understanding. Music can create a common ground, in which humanity can celebrate its beauty. That, in my opinion, is the spiritual significance of music.

“Musicians engage in a life-long journey to find a sound which will act as a window to their soul.”
– Uri Gurvich, composer and saxophonist

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