// Harry Miller, vocalistSEPARATED are a Christian alternative-rock band from Portland, Oregon, United States. Their debut album will be released in 2008 and is available from Separated.
Photo: Separated
Music can reach people that sermons can’t touch. Music can link us to just about everything in life, and spiritually, it’s beyond comparison. Time and time again, we hear stories about how God used music to work in the lives of others. I can honestly say that had it not been for the Christian Rock of my generation, I don’t know where I’d be in my walk with Christ. God uses music to gather people together. He uses it to calm people down. He uses it for just about anything you can think of, and anything in between. Scripture tells us that God loves music. Psalm 33:3 has to be my favorite verses of all time, which says: “Sing unto him a new song; play skillfully with a loud noise.” There’s a lot of things God tells us concerning music, but if there’s one thing you can gather about music as a whole, it’s that people get excited about it. People come together for it. When there’s music around, things start to happen, and it’s been that way for thousands of years! But there’s more to music than just having a good time. There are countless testimonies that people have where God spoke to them through song. Even in my own life, God’s shown me things through music that I wouldn’t have thought of otherwise. Rock is what moves me; it’s what gets me going. And if God can talk through a donkey, he can speak through a guitar solo, as well! The style doesn’t matter. The instruments don’t matter. What matters is what God does with it and whether we’re open to what God has for us. When I write lyrics, I write with the intention that God will use them to convict people. I write about everything from prayer, to pride, to purity, to integrity; anything that God lays on my heart. Then He uses those songs to work in people’s lives. It’s a tool; just like anything else we use to serve God. Spiritually, it brings us closer to Jesus. It motivates us and convicts us. It gives us an eternal perspective, and ultimately, it gives us a better understanding of how truly amazing God is.
“Music can link us to just about everything in life, and spiritually, it’s beyond comparison.”
– Harry Miller, vocalist in Separated