Artist Profiles

Sarah McCleary

// Author

SARAH MCCLEARY is an author, small business owner, and speaker based in Chicago, Illinois. She is the owner of Gotta Get the Word Out, which specializes in Christian apparel. Her company’s mission is: “to take the message of the Kingdom to the world, ensuring that we fill our minds and communities with positive messages”. Sarah enjoys sharing her experiences and helping others overcome obstacles and moving forward in their life. Her book “Choosing to Forgive, Learning to Love” (2009) is available from, the bookstore,, or from Wine Press Publishing.

Photo: Dot Ward Photography



At the age of six, I lost my mother, father, and my only living grandparent in less than a month. My older sister, who was twenty years old at the time, took everything out of our home, leaving me there alone with my clothes and a limited amount of food. A few days later my uncle realized he hadn’t seen my sister or me and decided to drive by our home. He found me inside hiding, scared, and everything gone. He took me home with him. I had dinner and a bath and went to bed. A few hours later I heard voices and got up to see what was going on. My uncle had contacted the rest of the family to find out if anyone knew where my older sister was and to discuss my care. I was standing behind the door, listening, when I heard my uncle say that no one wanted to feed and clothe another child. After I had been rejected by the rest of my family, my uncle and his wife decided that I would live with them. I was so young and didn’t understand what was going on, but the trauma of it all had a profound impact on my life.

Music played a key role in my healing, building self-esteem, and spiritual growth. I’ll never forget the ten-hour drive I took for a high school graduation. I took several CDs with me, and as I listened to “Imagine Me” by Kirk Franklin, God used the words of the song to heal deep wounds that I had experienced for years. I drove and cried. By the time I reached my destination, I was no longer the same. I could feel a weight that had held me down, lifted. I began to see myself in a different way.

Through gospel music, film and art, artists share personal testimonies and the word of God. Their stories give us hope and provide strength and encouragement. Films such as “The Passion of the Christ” transform the Bible into life. The vision of what Jesus went through at the whipping post scene makes it hard not to “Choose to Forgive, and Learn to Love.” After all he went through, Jesus asked the father to forgive. So after thirty-seven years, I reached out to the sister who walked away from me as a child. Through the testimony of song and the power of pictures, I was able to forgive and meet my sister with an open heart.

Life is full of ups and downs. No one is immune to its challenges, and each trail is an opportunity to learn and draw closer to God. So when you’re feeling down, remember to praise your way through. Find a song that can speak to your heart, bring you peace, and deepen your faith.

“Music played a key role in my healing, building self-esteem, and spiritual growth.”
– Sarah McCleary, Author

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