Artist Profiles

Robert Anthony Aviles

// 7-string electric violinist

ROBERT ANTHONY AVILES is a composer, 7-string electric violinist, performer, pianist, sound engineer, and Founder of Music Research Technologies based in Huntington Beach, California. Robert’s research and recordings are composed to specifically address various life circumstances such as work and study, deep relaxation, aerobic workout, general enjoyment, and more. His recordings are all available through representatives of Intention Energy International. He has also produced music for Warner Brothers Video, motion picture soundtracks, and National Geographic documentaries. Robert often travels internationally to give concerts as well as lectures on quantum-cymatics and musical applications based upon his research. Robert Anthony Aviles also performs with his award-winning band called Insight.

Photo: Robert Anthony Aviles / Music Research Technologies


Music is creation. Spiritual doctrines agree that creation began with the intention of an omnipotent Creator; initiated by a thought, leading to The Word, also referred to as Aum, Om, or the Primal Vibration. The Consciousness underlying this Primal Vibration is one and the same with the quantum field of potential from which sound, light, matter, and space arise. In other words, God’s Song of “Aum” is responsible for the creation of the universe. Consider the origin of the word universe, where “uni” is a prefix meaning one, and “verse” is likened to a song. In essence, the universe can be considered as “One Song”.

Music, which is composed of three qualities, presents an analogy for this Universal Composition in that Rhythm suggests a physical influence and establishes cycles, stages of development, seasons, patterns, and more. Amongst many other expressions, Melody represents intensity, free will, and infinite probabilities. Harmony maintains foundations that correlate with mathematics, form, archetypal elements, electromagnetism, color, and furthermore, harmonic tones correlate with chakras, the zodiac, levels of 20 consciousness, angelic realms, and the esoteric list goes on and on. Mankind, being a part of God’s creation is capable of selfawareness, which is the cornerstone of any spiritual endeavor.

Ultimately, a self-realized seeker shall comprehend the truth behind Jesus Christ’s words, “I and the Father are one” [John 10:30]. This statement reflects the ultimate intention behind the musical universe; every person contributing his or her own melody to the harmonic portrait of the Great One Song. May God’s Love Song reign in every heart.

“The ultimate intention behind the musical universe; every person contributing his or her own melody to the harmonic portrait of the Great One Song. May God’s Love Song reign in every heart.”
– Robert Anthony Aviles, 7-string electric violinist

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