Artist Profiles


// Shiran Kaidin, guitarist

MONARCH! are a sludge doom-metal band from Bayonne, France. “Monarch (Self-Titled) [2CD]” (2005) is available from Solitude Records, “Speak Of The Sea [LP]” (2006), and “Die Tonight [LP]” (2007) are both available from Throne Records.

Photo: Monarch!


If you stay with us you will see that we are non-spiritual. We are total material addicts! Always speaking of amps, bass, drums, effects, guitars, or whatever. My practice of music is more about atmosphere, sounds, and vibrations, than a real spirituality. Sounds and vibrations are like ghosts. Invisible, but really there beside you; it’s not whispering, just surrounding and making your eardrums bleed. I do not know if music really deals with spirituality, but maybe sounds and vibrations can be seen as an immaterial part of ourselves. Music can seem immaterial because it is not seen. However, music is heard and felt, so in a way music stays material, and all these sensations are the body’s reaction to very strong stimulation. Maybe the strength of these stimulations, and the unusual reaction of the body, can be a link between music and spirituality. Spirituality is more about meditation and reflection. Try to meditate while we are playing! You can go into a trance because of the sounds. We are not playing loud and slow to elevate our souls, but because we like to be surrounded and hugged by low frequencies. I know some people make connections between loud and slow playing, and Tibetan monks choirs. This connection gives to our music a spiritual aspect, but it seems to be a shortcut. Tibetan monks reach a real spiritual mood because the way they sing involves their entire body. This demands extremely high concentration and a grand knowledge of the body. Once again, body first and then spirituality.

“Music is more about atmosphere, sounds, and vibrations, than a real spirituality.”
– Shiran Kaidin, guitarist in Monarch!

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