Artist Profiles

Mitch O’Connor

// Teacher of A Course In Miracles > *Web-Only*

MITCH O’CONNOR is a Teacher of God through illumination of mind and body that is the fulfillment of the mission of A Course In Miracles. As a “jack of no trades”, he demonstrates the passion of rebirth that is the goal of all of us in the mind training of the Course. Working alongside the students and teachers of A Course In Miracles International, our only goal is enlightenment. Our curriculum directs, supports, enhances, and accelerates this transformation of our minds. Our focus includes service, education, dissemination and communication of the message of A Course In Miracles throughout the world. There’s no business like show business!

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Photo: Courtesy of Miracles Communication Center


I fell asleep in a moment of time and dreamed of space, of being trapped within a body. Into that tiny enclosure of space came notes and sound and words. Melodies within the dream itself, floating around everywhere waiting to be heard and used. Words, poems, lyrics, man’s creative necessity to express himself within the dream thoughtfully coming together with these melodies, becoming transporting memories of love… all gifts from God to awaken his beloved son.

Music, transporting me out of time. Allowing me to see very clearly that indeed this was a dream and that the dream was over and gone long ago. That indeed I had “given-before”. I have been awakened and now it is my privilege to forgive. How simple then forgiveness becomes, how easy to overlook what was over and gone and in reality never happened at all. To sing the song of love and remembrance. Music communicates the one positive value that could ever be expressed in any medium that could ever be. Love. Love is communicated, and love is what communication is.

The idea of man or this earth or time, whatever you want to call it, is what a momentary break in communication would be. The re-establishment of communication, coming from outside of time in a miraculous course or plan of atonement would have to be that all true learning is a form of conversion or revelation.

The mathematician in the middle of a pirouette, the historian in a simple parable, the accountant in the stroke of his brush on canvas, the housewife in an explanation of holograms, the judge or lawyer in a compassionate moment of forgiveness. Many more in the sudden realization of the Grace of God’s love. All to the final understanding that you are, and always have been, the perfect joy and happiness of eternal Universal Mind.

My own creative life is only my capacity to give myself away. The Son can do nothing except what He sees the Father do. In my revelation of perfect communication which is with and of my Father, I recognized that a universe of love could only be a continuing giving and extending, which is all I ever see my Father doing. I receive the gifts and give them away.

It turns out as a sleeping mind that I had lost all reference for understanding “value”. That in a moment of fear and darkness, I was valuing what had no meaning at all and denying to myself the perfect reality of love that was all around me. Everything is worth valuing entirely or not at all. This is “A Course in Miracles”: an unearthly symphony of thought that has become the touchstone of my creative life. How has my own creative life impacted or transformed my values? Entirely. From sleeping to waking, from death to life, fear to love and from darkness to light!

“I have been awakened and now it is my privilege to forgive.”
– Mitch O’Connor, Teacher of A Course In Miracles

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