Artist Profiles


// musician from Hawai’i

MAKANA is a Slack Key guitarist and singer-songwriter from Honolulu, Hawaii. “Makana (Self-Titled)” (1999), “Koi Au” (2002), “Ki Ho’alu: Journey Of Hawaiian Slack Key” (2003), and “Different Game” (2008) are all available from Makana Music. Makana is considered the world’s youngest slack key guitar master, and was featured on the Grammy-nominated album “Hawaiian Slack Key Kings” (2006) available from Rhythm And Roots Records.

Photo: Christopher Voelker /


Like a scent triggering response quicker than light, sound enters the gates of the body unchallenged. Organized sound, or music, does the same, but something else as well: it awakens our world, lighting the dark room where every wall is a mirror. Something inside spins faster; the view outside deepens in resonant meaning. Of course, this “meaning” we experience is our own projected outward. A beloved song is heard, and immediately the Spirit I am begins rummaging through an old suitcase stuffed with emotions and memories. Meanwhile, the invisible hands of my own heart begin to caress my arms, the back of my neck, and my body responds in waves of chemical release. That’s not romantic; what’s romantic is that I don’t think of any of this; I just hear, and my world intensifies. The grey and usual page explodes with color, and what was always there becomes clear and present within. This isn’t about truth – music has nothing to do with truth – oftentimes it is nothing more than a sensationalized lure into suffering. No, music is neutral: it is what we make it. It reaches into us where we can’t go on our own, pulls out our most intimate longings, and sings them back to us in the song of our own unique life. Its importance is simple: Music magnifies our Being.

“A beloved song is heard, and immediately the Spirit I am begins rummaging through an old suitcase stuffed with emotions and memories… Music magnifies our Being.”
– Makana, musician from Hawai’i

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