Artist Profiles

Kip Mazuy

// composer & musician

KIP MAZUY is a composer and musician from Auckland, New Zealand. His albums “Elements Of Ecstasy” (1999), “Beautiful Sound” (2000), “Now Is Forever” (2000), “The Sweet Nectar of Silence” (2001), “Nurturance” (2003), “The Calling” (2006), “Ocean Euphoric” (2008), and “Shakti Silence” (2009) are all available from Bliss Music. Kip’s goal in music is to have listeners awaken to their natural state of peace and bliss. After a profound spiritual awakening, Kip Mazuy created “Ocean Euphoric”, a meditation CD with a unique sound technology that induces deep states of relaxation and meditation in the listener.

Photo: Kip Mazuy / Bliss Music 


Many musicians will attest to at least one time while creating or playing music that they entered a state in where the music played or was created by itself. What created the music was a mystery. You could call that mystery by many names, but the fact is the music flowed through you, without effort, without thought, without you being there at all. You were lost in bliss and the music flowed. When others hear such music, then they too are touched by the same mystery. Beyond thought, beyond belief, they experience something that cannot be put in words, something beyond themselves, beyond what they know. For as long as they are immersed in the music, they experience the same bliss and because of this, their lives are changed. The other point, which really is a deeper experience of the same thing, is music is a medium of energy. Whatever music you listen to, you are impacted by the energetic makeup of that musician. For example, if the musician was depressed, even if it is an upbeat piece of music, that experience of depression enters you. Usually it happens unconsciously. You are sitting there listening to music and suddenly you feel depressed and you don’t know why. It has nothing to do with the song itself, the lyrics nor the melody. The vibration of the musician comes through behind all of it.

In the same way, if you listen to music made by someone who lives or is at least in a very high state of awareness at the time of making the music, then that state of bliss enters you when you hear it. It in itself is an incredible tool for spiritual growth. Each sound carries a particular vibration. Not frequency, but vibration, something that cannot be monitored by a machine, only felt. My love is to create the most enlightened sounds and turn them into music. So that when you listen to the music, you are washed in unconditional peace. This to me is the most spiritually significant part of music. That which you do not hear with your mind or emotion, but you feel in the deepest core of your being.

“My love is to create the most enlightened sounds and turn them into music. So that when you listen to the music, you are washed in unconditional peace.” – Kip Mazuy, composer and musician

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