Artist Profiles

Kimba Arem

// Founder of Heartherapy™

KIMBA AREM is a musician, performer, recording artist, sound therapist, and teacher based in Boulder, Colorado. Her recordings “Peace Journey” (2003), “Creation’s Tone” (2004), “Self-Healing With Sound And Music” (2005), with Dr. Andrew Weil, “The Healing Didjeridu” (2006), and “Gaearth Dreaming [CD & DVD]” (2008) are all available from Heartherapy Productions and Gaearth. She travels worldwide doing conferences, peace music concerts, sound therapy sessions and workshops. Kimba Arem is also Founder of Heartherapy and Gaearth, dedicated to educating and assisting the planet in gentle awakening through sound.

Photo: Lilian de Mello /



Throughout the ages, artists have served to entertain and uplift the hearts and spirits of the community. Music, in all of its various and diverse forms, has served as a catalyst to remind people of their connection to a larger reality, of worlds that can be felt but not seen. Music can help people to rise above their daily concerns and expand their consciousness to embrace a much larger perspective. As individuals witness or participate in the creation of music, the mind can be set free to explore new thoughts and feelings, allowing new creative expressions to emerge that can open up richer, deeper, and more subtle yet profound experiences in all areas of life. As a musician since age seven, I have witnessed throughout my life how music transcends language in a way that connects people heart-to-heart. Music seems to be a universal language that everyone from every culture, race or religion, seems to understand and respond to. I have always marveled that the word hear is so similar to the word heart. We have all seen and experienced how music can deeply affect and soothe us emotionally, almost as if the ears have channels that go directly to the heart.14 Music can also calm our mind, relax our body, and elevate us spiritually. As we are becoming more acquainted with the astonishing foundations of quantum physics, we are affirming what the ancients have always said, that the world is created by, and exists at its fundamental core, as “strings” or frequencies. When we work with sound and music, we are accessing the foundation of reality. This is one of the most subtle yet powerful ways to create and re-create reality.

Music seems to be a kind of bridge between the ethereal world of spirit and the world of matter. Is it any wonder that angels are often depicted as holding instruments of some sort? When we play or listen to music, we have the opportunity, with the right frequencies, to tap into these other realms, and access the subtle energy fields that exist in nearby frequencies. If we are skilled enough, using techniques similar to those that shamans cultivate, we can use our voice or instruments to connect with these other spirit realms, and re-connect to creation and the cosmos.

In most cultures and languages other than English, the word for “breath” and the word for “spirit” are the same word. Music helps us to relax, and therefore breathe more deeply. This is connecting us with spirit. When we dance or sing to music, we are also using more breath, and connecting with our ancestors who have used these same beat frequencies for generations. This also deepens our connection to spirit. Let this inspire us to breathe more, to make and listen to more music and, thereby, keep our connection to spirit alive.

“I have witnessed throughout my life how music transcends language in a way that connects people heart to heart.”
– Kimba Arem, Founder of Heartherapy™

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