Artist Profiles


// Ulf Christiansson, guitarist & vocalist

JERUSALEM are a Christian rock band from Gothenburg, Sweden. “Jerusalem (Volume 1)” (1978), “Volym 2 (Volume 2)” (1980), and “Krigsman (Warrior)” (1981) are all available from Prim Records, “Vi Kan Inte Stoppas (Can’t Stop Us Now)” (1983) is available from Royal Music, “Dancing On The Head Of The Serpent” (1987) is available from JM Records, “Prophet” (1994) is available from Viva Records, “Volym 3 (Those Were The Days)” (1996), and “Volüm Fyra (R.A.D.)” (1997) are both available from Fruit Records.

Photo: Jerusalem /


I will share these words as briefly as I can, but these things took me much pain and effort to finally see. Daniel had to separate himself from Babylon’s food (doctrines) and wine (spirit). We must also do this because it is not the ways of Babylon that will bring real freedom but the ways of Zion. We have to make a stand that will change the way “Christian music” is working today. It was never meant to be an industry but a ministry, in the full potential and meaning of that word. We have to stop looking for inspiration in those lousy wells. If we really want to be the head and not the tail, we must ask God first, not second, or last. We are called for another purpose and to have real impact on this world. However, it is a very high price to pay for this, and who will lay down their life for this? The anointing breaks the yoke, the mantel from a sacred life, not the music. When will we learn the ways of God? When will we fast, pray, and take the time to seek Him to see these things take place? Maybe we are ready now.

“[Christian music] was never meant to be an industry but a ministry, in the full potential and meaning of that word.”
– Ulf Christiansson, guitarist and vocalist in Jerusalem

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