Artist Profiles

Jack Lim

// creator of Qi Energy Music™

JACK LIM is a composer, healer, musician, producer, and Qigong Grand Master from Surrey Hills, Australia. His albums “Inner Peace” (1991), “Relax & Breathe Easy” (1991), “Happy & So Light!” (1995), “Sweet Sleep” (1991), “River Of Love” (1994), “Sublime Happiness” (1992), “Positive Thinking & Confidence” (1991), “Uplifting & Inspiring” (1991), “Clearing Anger” (1991), Stop Smoking” (1991) “Clearing Pain & Positive Wellbeing” (1992), “Cancer: You Can Beat It! [DVD]” (1992), “Inner Peace [DVD]” (1996), and “Great Stork Qigong [DVD]” (1992) are all available from Jack Lim Productions. Jack Lim’s Qi Energy Music™ is used for healing, massage, meditation, Reiki, and Tai Chi. His relaxing music and positive thought for healing, inner peace, and harmony have been empowering for thousands of people. Jack Lim is Founding Member of the Standing Council of the World Academic Society of Medical Qigong, and Member of the Standing Committee of the International Qigong Research Association based in China. His Qi Energy Music™ is available in many countries around the world, and he has taught internationally the art of strengthening the Qi Life Force Energy.

Photo: Jack Lim /


I believe musicians draw their inspiration from Heaven, from the Universe. As a master of Qigong, the Chinese art of connecting to the soul energy of the Universe, I am particularly sensitive to Qi energy. I am a great fan of Beethoven and Mozart. One day I placed my hand over the music score of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony and I distinctly felt a warmth that went straight to the heart, and I felt the same over Mozart’s music score. Their music really comes from Heaven!

Twenty years ago, I was helping people one at a time with Qi Energy healing. However, I thought how can I help many more people to clear energy blockages, and pass on the beautiful love and harmony of the Universe? A voice in my head told me: “You already transmit the Qi with your thought and voice; record that and make music too”. I prepared my studio and one Sunday morning, I could hear music in my head, so beautiful and enchanting. I played and recorded it – that was “Inner Peace”. Later came others the same way to help the heart, mind, and body. I feel so blessed to be able to pass on the beauty of the Universe through music.

“I believe musicians draw their inspiration from Heaven, from the Universe.”
– Jack Lim, creator of Qi Energy Music™

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