Artist Profiles

Henry H. Owings

// Author & Graphic Designer

HENRY H. OWINGS is an author, graphic designer, Editor-In-Chief and Publisher of Chunklet Magazine based in Athens, Georgia. Henry Owings’ book “The Overrated Book” (2006) is available from Last Gasp Books, and “The Rock Bible: Unholy Scripture For Fans & Bands” (2008) is available from Quirk Books. Grammy Award nominee Henry Owings provides a no-holds-barred chronicle of the music industry through Chunklet Magazine. Henry has also at various times been a booking agent, DJ, promoter, record producer, and toured with rock bands for over a decade.

Photo: Ryan Russell /


Music, at its very core, is spiritual. The mere act of banging a fist into the ground is spiritual. Grunting is spiritual. Lending tonality to those bangs and grunts is what leads to music. Music goes back thousands upon thousands of years. However, documented music only goes back hundreds of years. Furthermore, it’s within the last one-hundred years that man has commercialized it with such great aplomb. A handful of friars singing Bavarian chants in a church would be a Western interpretation of the spirituality of music. Tibetan monks practicing Tuvan throat singing is an Eastern interpretation. Both are relevant. Both are joyous. Both sink into your chest like a bullet. Satanic black metal bands are equally as spiritual. If you think about it, having a heart pumping blood through the body is spiritual. It all depends on what you define as the “spirit” and how it is interpreted as “spiritual”.

“Having a heart pumping blood through the body is spiritual. It all depends on what you define as the “spirit” and how it is interpreted as “spiritual”.”
– Henry H. Owings, editor and co-creator of “The Rock Bible: Unholy Scripture For Fans & Bands”

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