Artist Profiles

Ginny Jones

// Artist

GINNY JONES is a spiritual artist, intuitive healer, and light worker from Auckland, New Zealand. She is passionate about her Healing Art helping people to: “connect with their heart and feel the vibration of each individual Art Piece to help give positive uplifting, Healing Energy to the viewer”. Ginny Jones’ personal mission is: “To help with the Healing process for individuals, community, and the collective universal consciousness, to help each individual to connect with their own heart centre and higher self, to gain self healing ability for Mind, Body, and Soul”. Each of her Healing Art pieces are created with Divine Healing properties to share Healing Energy Vibration in any room and to the viewer.

Photo: Ginny Jones



Art and music can bring out feelings in an individual. Sometimes these feelings can trigger an emotional release of some sort; whether it is through sadness or laughter, this is good for the soul. Art shows how we can open ourselves to really connect on a deep level with our inner self. This is something that we all should do, for it opens up our heart center and helps us to see and feel things in a very different, healing way. Art and music can trigger a healing process through love and forgiveness—love and forgiveness for others as well as ourselves. This positive transformation that some of us get through art and music, whether we are creating ourselves or looking at and listening to another’s creation, could have a profound effect on society. Our hearts open to the feelings that art and music can give, creating positive vibrations.

Positive art and music really do have a positive effect on the message it communicates with the world—love, good feeling, empathy, happiness, forgiveness, and creativity, just to name just a few. It is these feelings that go with the trigger that art and music have, which is most important. Feeling and expressing these emotions can uplift our vibrations. All positive thought forms can lift one’s spirits to the highest level, which then radiate to those people we are with. This could very well spread out to all people. What a wonderful vibe we would all have, if everyone did this!

I personally have found that creating art and listening to music go hand in hand with each other, depending on what music I may be listening to while painting. It depends on how freely I paint and how the brush strokes flow. I love listening to music while I create. My creativity has had a huge impact on my life. It has opened a whole side of me that I didn’t know I had. Finding freedom of expression through my art has been a wonderful healing journey. Art has opened and triggered my true self to be set free. The feelings that I have when I know I have connected on a soul level and created a finished painting are truly amazing.

As an energy healer, I am very sensitive to vibration, and when I have created a painting, when in total touch with my soul, I can feel the vibrations that the paintings give out. Not only are they healing for me, but I know they give out healing energy for others. When someone is drawn to a certain piece, I know it has in some way connected with their soul. To feel this way about how my art has an effect on someone gives me the feeling of love and great satisfaction. I would love everyone to experience this feeling of soul connection through art and music.

“Finding the freedom of expression through my art has been a wonderful healing journey for me.”
– Ginny Jones, Artist

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