Artist Profiles

Dr. Cassandra Vieten

// Author, Psychologist & Scientist

DR. CASSANDRA VIETEN is an author, licensed clinical psychologist, and Research Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences based in Petaluma, California. Her book “Living Deeply: The Art And Science Of Transformation In Everyday Life” (2008), co-authored with Dr. Marilyn Mandala Schlitz and Tina Amorok, is available from Noetic Books. Dr. Cassandra Vieten is also Co-Director of the Mind-Body Medicine Research Group at California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute, and Vice President of the Institute for Spirituality and Psychology.

Websites:,,, and
Photo: Dr. Cassandra Vieten / Institute of Noetic Sciences


Transformations in consciousness, the kind that go way beyond simply rearranging the furniture of our psyches, and instead shifting the tectonic plates of our being, are stimulated and nurtured by dipping into the numinous realm. It is only through direct, subjective experience that we come upon the kind of noetic realizations that shift the way we view the world and our place in it. Music is a portal to these numinous realms. It is a gateway; a place where the veil between the material physical world and the ephemeral unseen one is very, very thin; and a channel through which the wisdom of the numinous realm can be transmitted. Music is a well into which we can easily and frequently dip, for balancing all of our doing with being. Creating music is a way to express what we find in the deepest shared realms of experience that often cannot be expressed in words.

“Music is a well into which we can easily and frequently dip, for balancing all of our doing with being.”
– Dr. Cassandra Vieten, co-author of “Living Deeply: The Art And Science Of Transformation In Everyday Life”

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