Artist Profiles

Discordance Axis

// Jon Chang, vocalist

DISCORDANCE AXIS are a grindcore-metal band from Hoboken, New Jersey. “Ulterior” (1995) is available from Devour Records, “Necropolitan [EP]” (1997) is available from HG Fact Records, “Jouhou” (1998), and “The Inalienable Dreamless” (2001) are both available from Hydra Head Records.

Photo: Jon Chang / Studio Grey


The concept of the spirit or the soul is something I feel to be total artifice. I do not believe in a special life force or energy that compels or animates tissue to walk around and make art, that is anything created by humans. People create things based on their own experiences. Sometimes they create things out of their own need for significance, such as faith or belief. This is the reason we follow certain artists, politicrats, or religions. Ultimately, we are all only as “good” as our last creation. If we are not pushing the envelope and just falling back and relying upon on past “glories”, then we have failed as people.

“People create things based on their own experiences. Sometimes they create things out of their own need for significance, such as faith or belief.”
– Jon Chang, vocalist in Discordance Axis

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