Danny Thompson
// double-bassistDANNY THOMPSON was double-bassist in the folk-rock band Pentangle from London, England. “The Pentangle [LP]” (1968), “Sweet Child [2LP]” (1968), “Basket Of Light [LP]” (1969), “Cruel Sister [LP]” (1970), and “Reflection [LP]” (1971) were all available from Transatlantic Records, and “Solomon’s Seal [LP]” (1972) was available from Reprise Records. Danny Thompson’s solo album “Whatever” (1987) is available from Hannibal Records, “Whatever Next” (1989), “Elemental” (1990), and “Whatever’s Best” (1995) are all available from Antilles Records. He has played double-bass with Alexis Korner’s Blues Incorporated, Donovan, Kate Bush, Ronnie Scott, and Roy Orbison, among many others. Danny Thompson received a Lifetime Achievement Award at the BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards 2007.
Website: www.therealdannythompson.co.uk
Photo: Peter Sanders / PeterSanders.com
After major surgery and during the lengthy recovery period, I was able to devote a lot of time while bed-ridden to thinking of my life and what I had done. I thought of how I had been involved with music my whole life and how silly to be concentrating on playing a big box thing with wires on it. I had many chats with my cardiologist and mentioned that after all these years I should be doing something more spiritual with my life, and I didn’t mean sitting on a rock or living in a cave. He looked at me and said “Look! I am not a religious man, but what could you do that is more spiritual than that which you are already doing?” This was a revelation to me. Our emotions are ignited with the fire of music, our hearts are uplifted by children singing and dancing. We have every emotion stirred by rhythm and melody. When I am “off the road”, I have the strongest urge to get back to work, and it’s not just for the money! It’s for that spiritual fix that is my whole reason for playing, and one that I hope to be doing until I move on. A man that loses his money loses a lot; one that loses friends loses even more; but a man that loses his spirit loses everything.
“Our emotions are ignited with the fire of music…
every emotion stirred by rhythm and melody.”
– Danny Thompson, double-bassist