Artist Profiles


// Mattie Montgomery, vocalist

BESIEGED are a Christian melodic-metal band from Bay City, Michigan. Their debut album “Atlantis” (2007) is available from Blood And Ink Records.

Photo: Keaton Coblentz, Accidental Photography


Music is a non-verbal communication from the spirit of the creator to the spirit of the observer, it creates an intimate bond between the two. The musical expression of the artist is their selected language of spiritual, mental, and intra-personal communication. To be more simply rephrased: when words fail to express the heart of a musician, music takes over. Time and time again, the language of music manages to thoroughly convey and inspire abstract feelings, emotions, and ideas that words alone could never even hope to touch. Even more beautiful than the communication from artist to observer is the communication between the musician and the creator of music itself, God. Music is an invaluable gift from the Creator. To think our eternal, abstract soul is able to be expressed through something as simple as music is almost incomprehensible. I, and I’m sure I speak for the rest of the band when I say this, am eternally thankful that through my music I can communicate on an intimate, personal level with mankind and God. I pray that through music’s mystical connection I would grow spiritually closer to both.

“When words fail to express the heart of a musician, music takes over.”
– Mattie Montgomery, vocalist in Besieged

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