Artist Profiles

Dr. Suzanne Jonas

// Author, Musician & Psychotherapist

DR. SUZANNE JONAS is an author, musician, Psychotherapist, and Sound Therapist from Walland, Tennessee. Her book “Take Two CDs and Call Me In The Morning” (2007) is available from Dr. Suzanne Jonas has been practicing music medicine, sound therapy, and energy medicine for over twenty-five years in hospitals and private practice. Some of the modalities she uses with clients are: BioAcoustics, VibroAcoustics, Guided Imagery and Music, Behavioral Medicine, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), HeartMath Biofeedback, Vibro Acoustic Therapy, and Spiritual Counseling. She offers training in Music Medicine to hospitals and healthcare clinics and is an international speaker and workshop provider. Dr. Suzanne Jonas is also the Director and Founder of the Inner Harmony Health Center in Maryville, Tennessee. Dedicated to helping people harmonize their mind, body, spirit, and emotions, the practitioners are energy medicine based and use the latest in technology and high quality supplements. She has also founded the VibroAcoustic Certification Program for those wishing to increase their knowledge and skills with vibro acoustic therapy.

Websites: and
Photo: Suzanne Jonas /


There is not a single culture on our planet that hasn’t formed a musical tradition, be it for communication, ritual, celebration, or healing. And today everyone in the modern world has at least one electronic way of carrying music with them – radio, MP3 player, Discman, stereo system, and boombox. Why? Because it makes us feel better. But beyond that, inherent in our DNA, is a search for something greater than emotions and ourselves, and music is the fastest and most pleasant way to make this connection. The ‘right’ music is a bridge between our daily lives and our Soul. Music that contains the Divine in it has the potential, if played by someone in the same state and if we are open and listening, to transport us out of the everyday; to open our hearts; to fill us with radiance; to raise our vibrations; to connect us with the Divine. What, then, is the spiritual significance of music? To assist us in becoming more compassionate, loving human beings, and to more clearly express our true self.

“Inherent in our DNA, is a search for something greater than emotions and ourselves, and music is the fastest and most pleasant way to make this connection.”
– Dr. Suzanne Jonas, author of “Take Two CDs and Call Me In The Morning”

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